Bobcat 3400 and 3400XL UTVs Recalled

Bobcat 3400 utility vehicle

The Bobcat 3400 for model years 2015 through 2018 is being recalled.

Bobcat 3400XL utility Vehicle

The Bobcat 3400XL is being recalled as well.

Last month Bobcat issued a recall of the gas powered Bobcat 3400 and 3400XL UTVs for model years 2015 through 2018. The vehicle’s exhaust header pipe can crack and create potential burn and fire hazards. Owners have not reported any injuries or fires related to this recall, which involves approximately 2,700 units. The 3400 model is a two-seater and the 3400XL is a four-seater. Polaris manufactured both models for Bobcat under a partnership the companies formed several years ago to develop UTVs for commercial markets. If you have an affected model you should contact your local Bobcat dealer. The following recall information is from the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Name of product: ??Bobcat 3400 and 3400XL utility vehicles
Hazard: ??The utility vehicle???s exhaust header pipe can crack, posing burn and fire hazards.
Remedy: ??Repair
Recall date: ??August, 2018
Units: ??About 2,700

Recall Details

Description: ??This recall involves model year 2015 through 2018 Bobcat 3400 and 3400XL gas engine-equipped utility vehicles manufactured by Polaris Industries. The recalled utility vehicles are white and black with orange decals and have one or two rows of seats and a rear box. ???Bobcat??? is printed on the hood of the utility vehicle and ???3400??? or ???3400XL??? is printed on the rear box. The model and vehicle identification number (VIN #) can be found on a label under the seat and storage bin on the passenger side. The following models and VIN ranges are being recalled:



VIN Range


3400 4X GAS

B3FL11001 through B3FL11911

3400 4X GAS DLX

B3FN11001 through B3FN11286


3400 4X GAS

B3FL12001 through B3FL12803

3400 4X GAS DLX

B3FN12001 through B3FN12245


3400 4X GAS

B3FL17001 through B3FL17580

3400 XL GAS

B3FN17001 through B3FN17124


3400 4X GAS

B3FL18001 through B3FL18097

3400 XL GAS

B3FN18001 through B3FN18065

Remedy: ??Consumers should contact an authorized Bobcat dealer to schedule a free repair. Bobcat is contacting all known purchasers directly.
Incidents/Injuries: ??Bobcat has received seven reports of cracked exhaust pipes. No injuries or fires have been reported.
Sold At: ??Bobcat dealers nationwide from August 2014 through July 2018 for between $10,000 and $15,000.
Manufacturer(s): ??Polaris Industries Inc., of Medina, Minn.
Distributor(s): ??Bobcat Company, of West Fargo, N.D.
Manufactured In: ??United States
Recall number: ??18-757

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