A six passenger transport vehicle from Cruise Car with a solar array on the roof for battery recharging.
Cruise Car out of Sarasota, FL reports growing sales on the strength of orders for government and commercial markets. The company manufacturers golf cars and low speed vehicles for transport and utility. A key differentiator for the company is their Sunray Solar Roof Canopy which uses solar power to recharge vehicle batteries. They also feature an aluminum chassis and AC electric motors. According to management the company has been successful selling vehicles to military installations and last month was awarded a contract to supply fleets of shuttles and light utility runabouts to VA Hospitals and VA Cemeteries nationwide. Hotels and resorts are also an important market segment for the company. Many of the vehicles they sell to these markets are LSVs which can be used on public roads. Learn more: HeraldTribune.com
Comment: The companies success confirms with what we have been hearing from dealers around the country. Namely that STOVs and in particular LSVs are selling well in the commercial and government markets. The military and other government sectors are attracted in part to the fact that the vehicles are electric powered, whether to reduce fuel costs and/or meet sustainability goals. This is also true of the college/market where they can be used for personnel transport or light utility work around campus. The safety features of LSV compliant vehicles are appealing to buyers as well.