Textron Specialized Vehicles recently recalled over 20,000 gas-powered E-Z-GO, Cushman and Tracker brand off-road vehicles. An improperly secured generator wire can potentially lead to a fire. Recalled models include the E-Z-GO Express S4-Gas, Express L6-Gas, Tracker LX4-Gas, Tracker LX6-Gas and gas powered Cushman Shuttle models 2, 4, 6 and 8 sold between November 2018 and October 2019. Vehicle owners should immediately stop using the vehicles and contact Textron Specialized Vehicles for a free repair. The following recall information is from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. SVR maintains an ongoing list of small, task-oriented vehicle recalls.
Textron Specialized Vehicle Recall Information
Name of product: Gas-powered E-Z-GO, Cushman and Tracker brand off-road vehicles
Hazard: The starter generator wire can be improperly secured, allowing it to come into contact with the vehicle’s exhaust, posing a fire hazard.
Remedy: Repair
Recall date: February 13, 2020
Units: About 20,573
Consumer Contact: Textron Specialized Vehicles toll-free at 888-525-6040 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, email at jcook03@textron.com or online (for E-Z-Go) at https://ezgo.txtsv.com, click on Owners, then Recall Information, (for Cushman) at https://cushman.txtsv.com, click on Owners, then Recall Information, and (for Tracker) at www.trackeroffroad.com and click on Recalls at the bottom of the page.
Textron Specialized Vehicle Recall Details
Description: This recall involves gas-powered E-Z-GO, Cushman and Tracker brand off-road vehicles manufactured from November 2018 through June 2019 with certain non-sequential serial numbers ranging from 3377720 to 3440924. The serial number is located on the kick panel below the driver side seat.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled off-road vehicles and contact Textron Specialized Vehicles for a free repair. Textron Specialized Vehicles is contacting all known purchasers directly.
Incidents/Injuries: Textron Specialized Vehicles has received 13 reports of melted and/or burned wires and electrical components and loss of vehicle function in some cases, including one report of fire. No injuries have been reported.
Sold At: E-Z-GO, Cushman and Tracker off road dealerships nationwide from November 2018 through October 2019 for between $6,300 and $13,400.
Manufacturer(s): Textron Specialized Vehicles, of Augusta, Ga
Manufactured In: United States
Recall number: 20-073
SVR’s Take
This is a large recall representing basically a year’s worth of vehicle sales for these models. Luckily nobody reported being injured. The STOV market in general continues to experience a significant amount of recalls relative to total market sales. SVR’s latest market study showed that recalls accounted for anywhere from 11% to 47% of vehicles sold in North America. Even excluding the very large Polaris recalls during those years, the percentages remained high for the rest of the market. Marc Cesare, Smallvehicleresource.com
I need two things: First, a return call for messages I left for Jonathan Cook.
Second, agreement that your company will either have a repair person come to my address to provide repair per this recall, or your company will pay to have the EZGo golf cart taken to an authorized dealer for appropriate repair.
We are not EZ-GO.We are a third-party website that provides information about vehicles from a wide range of manufacturers. You should contact EZ-GO or an EZ-GO dealer directly.
I’m having the same concerns with this recall. Messages left for Jonathan Cook of Textron have gone unanswered and a representative from the department at Textron which handles warranty claims is telling me that they are not responsible for transportation.